Saturday, April 6, 2013

2013 Annual Membership Meeting

The 2013 Annual Membership Meeting of the Central Park Master Association will be held on Wed. April 10, 2013 at the Shelby Twp. Municipal Building.  Sign-in begins at 6:00 PM and the meeting will start at 7:00 PM.  If you are unable to attend, please fill out the General Proxy you recently received in the mail and return it to either Kramer-Triad or give it to a neighbor who will be attending so that we can use your proxy to count towards making the quorum.


Gardens at Central Park      Kensington at Central Park
Manors at Central Park         Meadows at Central Park

Annual Meeting of Members
April 10, 2013
Shelby Twp. Municipal Building
Board Room
6:00– sign in, 7:00 PM – call to order


1.   Meeting called to order
2.   Introductions
3.   Establishment of Quorum
4.   Approve the Minutes of the 201 Annual Meeting
5.   Nominations to Master Association Board of Directors:
          (1) position representing Kensington at Central Park
          (1) position representing Manors at Central Park
6.   Introductions of nominated candidates
7.   Selection of Election Inspectors
8.   Balloting (by all co-owners):
          Elect (1) Board member to a two-year term representing Kensington
          Elect (1) Board member to a two-year term representing Manors
9.   Board of Directors Update
10.  Election results
11.  Q & A
12.  Motion to adjourn