Monday, November 5, 2012

Asphalt paving project at the Manors at Central Park Condo Association

Most of the roadways at the Manors never received their top layer of asphalt paving because of the developer's bankruptcy in 2007.

The Manors co-owners voted earlier this year to approve a special assessment to pay for the paving of the final layer on our streets and access drives.

Our contractor has confirmed  that they will be doing the paving on Friday, Nov. 9, 2012. The contractor will be laying down 910 tons of asphalt, which means that there will be a lot of heavy trucks coming in and out that day.

Our affected residents will not be able to enter or leave the Manors with their vehicles during the hours of 7:00 AM through 7:00 PM on the day of paving.  Therefore, they will have to park along North Central Park, West Broadway and other nearby streets during that time period. 

Please bear with us as we complete this important project.

Mike Grobbel
President - Board of Directors, Manors at Central Park Condo Association

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Packard Proving Grounds Open House

The Packard Proving Grounds is holding an Open House on Sunday, October 21, 2012. This is a rain or shine event and starts at 1:00 PM – wrapping up at 5:00 PM. Admission is FREE.

Packards and other collector cars will be on display. The Open House will include food service, activities for the kids, and a chance to tour the buildings. Also, the Johnny Trudell Band will be playing their big-band sounds.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Crosswalk Striping

The pedestrian crosswalk striping work will take place during the coming week of Oct. 1 (weather permitting).  Please be prepared to make temporary detours while the striping paint dries. These marked crosswalks will be located at both entrances to Central Park and at various points along the Central Park ring road. This work is the final phase of the asphalt seal-coating project that began in July.

Residents are reminded that, by law:
a) vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and bicyclists lawfully within an intersection or crosswalk
b) pedestrians may not walk in the roadway if there are sidewalks present. If there are no sidewalks, they must walk on the left side, facing traffic. 

Furthermore, the speed limit is 25 MPH on all roadways within the Central Park planned unit development . If you are driving faster than that, you may not be able to stop in time if you come to a crosswalk with a pedestrian already in it.  We have already had one child hit by a car this year while within a crosswalk and we do not need to have a repeat.

Even though these are all private roads within the Central Park planned unit development, the Board of Directors has the ability to ask the Shelby Township Police Department to enforce our speed limits and traffic control devices.  Given the almost blatant disregard some of our residents display for the 25 MPH speed limit and our STOP signs, expect to see a lot of flashing blue and red lights around here in the very near future - just don't let them be seen flashing in your rear view mirror!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept. 12, 2012 CPMA BoD Minutes

Central Park Master Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Sept. 10, 2012


  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM; Quorum established; present: Mike Grobbel, Mike Malone, Brian Pesola; excused: Ted McCoy; Ryan Dorner, Kramer-Triad was also in attendance.

  1. The Board approved the Minutes of the
    1. Sept. 12, 2011 Board Meeting
    2. Oct. 24, 2011  Board meeting
  1. Old Business

    1. Streetlight maintenance update - Ryan Dorner indicated that maintenance workers had completed work on the inoperative streetlights and that they were all operative again.  One entire circuit of streetlights was found to be inoperative because someone had sprayed insecticide into the circuit breaker enclosure to kill wasps and the wet insecticide had short-circuited and “fried” the circuit breaker, which had to be replaced. Four other streetlights were found to have had the bulbs removed from them. The Board has reason to believe that these streetlights are being deliberately sabotaged by one or more Central Park residents and this issue will be mentioned in the forthcoming newsletter.  Ryan Dorner will provide the Board with an estimated cost for repairing a typical streetlight outage so we can include it in the newsletter.
    2. newsletter communications to homeowners – Brian P. has begun drafting a newsletter and will send it out to the other Board members within the next few days; the Board discussed additional items to be included in the draft newsletter and also decided that the first newsletter will be mailed to all residents with a notice in it that future newsletters will be posted on the Central Park blog at to save an estimated $400 per mailing
    3. Owens Tree Service quote - Mike G. updated the Board regarding the tree trimming work to be performed by Owens per the recent quote we received;  Ryan Dorner will contact Jim F. at Owens to get an estimated completion date
    4. MCI quote for fountains in the detention ponds
                                                               i.      fountain(s) purchase costs – have received unit costs from MCI
                                                             ii.      electrical installation costs – Ryan Dorner will contact Chuck Swan at MCI to see if they have completed the estimate for providing electrical service to ponds number 2 (central), 3 (south) and 6 (north)
                                                            iii.      costs to winterize and re-install in the spring - Ryan Dorner will contact Chuck Swan at MCI to obtain an approximate annual cost for this recurring service
                                                            iv.      cost estimates are needed in time for the next Board Meeting so that they can be factored into the 2013 Budget discussion
    1. Asphalt seal coating and crosswalk striping – Board members report favorable feedback from residents, despite the weather delays;  pedestrian crosswalk striping is tentatively scheduled for this coming Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012 (weather permitting);  Brandon A. at Midwest Paving is still investigating the appearance issue noted on the Day 6 seal coat work.
    2. Spring Clean-up event held on April 28th feedback discussion; 55 bags of trash were collected by 14 volunteers; in 2013  the Board will need to promote this event better and contact Rizzo to have a 30 yard roll-off  container dropped off in advance.
  1. New Business

    1. Groundwater contamination update - Mike G. provided an update to the Board; preliminary results of all irrigation well water testing within Central Park indicates no traces of VOCs such as TCE and TCA
    2. 2013 Annual Budget process timing; Brian P. will have a first draft of the proposed 2013 Budget available for discussion at the next Board Meeting
    3. Installation of new traffic signage
                                                               i.      add two more "STOP" signs at the intersection of NCP and ECP to make it a 3-way stop intersection – the Board approved the installation of two more “STOP” signs at this intersection;  Ryan Dorner to initiate the work order.
                                                             ii.      Add "Pedestrian Crossing Ahead" signs either side of crosswalk near WCP and St. Nicholas – the Board decided against installing warning signs based on the fact that if we did it here, by extension we would have to do it at all other crosswalks; the Board feels that the recent sidewalk alignment improvements and upcoming pedestrian crosswalk striping will have brought all pedestrian crosswalks to the same level of safety and visibility
    1. Snow and Lawn contracts – the Board voted to award the following contracts to True North:
                                                               i.      A three-year Snow Removal contract for an annual amount not to exceed $14,500; expires April 2015
                                                             ii.      A three-year Lawn Maintenance contract for an annual amount not to exceed $19,365; expires November 2015

  1. The next Board Meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 15, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Mike Grobbel’s condominium.
  2. The Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

Approved Minutes of all previous CPMA Board of Director meetings can be found on this web page.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Construction equipment south of Genisys Credit Union

You may have noticed the construction equipment that has recently been moved onto the vacant parcel on Van Dyke south of the Genisys Credit Union.  I have learned that this vacant parcel is being used as a staging site for the equipment and materials that will be used to construct the new sanitary sewer that will be installed along the west side of Van Dyke from 22 Mile Road south to a point about 1,000 feet past 21 Mile Road (approximately here).  The sewer project is expected to take six months to complete.  More information about the sewer project can be found in this article from the July 28, 2012 edition of the Source & Advisor.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Notice of road closures

Last Updated on Aug. 3rd:

The seal coating portion of this project is now complete.  The only remaining work to be performed is the striping of the pedestrian crosswalks, which will not require any street closures or parking inconveniences.   Thank you for your cooperation.

Work Day 4 was been cancelled due to threat of rain and was eventually completed on Monday, July 30th.  The tentative schedule for Work Days 5 & 6 is shown below.

Update, July 17th: plan for Work Day 2 revised and Work Day 6 added to schedule.

The Central Park Master Association is having seal coating applied to the asphalt road surfaces of North, East, South and West Central Park Avenues during the week of July 16, 2012.  Sections of these roads and their intersections will be closed while the work is performed. Residents of the Gardens and Meadows whose driveway enters those roads will have to move their vehicles on the day the seal coating is applied in front of their house.  On certain days the Van Dyke entrance to Central Park will be closed and on other days, the 22 Mile Rd. entrance will be closed. It will take six Work Days to complete this project.

Here is the full project plan along with an updated map, scheduled Work Days and locations of the road closures. A hard copy of the original plan was delivered to each home prior to Monday, July 16th.

If rain is forecast, the contractor will cancel that Work Day and move it to the next scheduled date, with the remaining schedule delayed accordingly. Below is the latest  Work Day schedule, which was revised to add Work Day 6 (to do the northerly portion of what had been planned for Work Day 2; the eastern portion of Work Day 6 has been reassigned to Work Day 5 - view the updated map by clicking here).

This is the latest Project Plan schedule.
  • Work Day 1 was completed on Monday, July 16, 2012.
  • Work Day 2 was completed on Friday, July 20th
  • Work Day 3 was completed on Wednesday, July 25th
  • Work Day 4 was completed on Monday, July 30th - everyone must enter and leave via Van Dyke
  • No seal coat work planned for Tuesday to avoid interference with the trash collection. 
  • Work Day 5 was completed on Wednesday, August 1st - everyone must enter and leave via 22 Mile Rd.
  • Work Day 6 was completed on Thursday, August 2nd.

If you have a question about this project, please put it in the comments below and it will be answered in the comments as soon as possible.  That way others who may have the same question can benefit, too.  If you would rather ask your question via e-mail, send it to "mike (at) grobbel (dot) org".

Friday, May 11, 2012

Visteon demolition update thru May 10. 2012

Click here for photos showing the demolition progress through July 12, 2012, along with the most recent air monitoring report.

Columbia Technologies continues to perform underground soil mapping for the Ford Motor Company on the vacant parcel to the north of the Manors and Kensington condos.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Demolition started on former Visteon Plant

East side of Building #16, May 3, 2012.

Demolition of the former Ford/Visteon/ACH automotive trim plant located just to the west of Central Park began on Saturday, April 28, 2012.  Building #16 is the first structure on the property to fall to the demolition crew.  Their work hours are from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM, Monday through Saturday.  Building demolition should be completed by around September 1st after which work will continue on the removal of underground utilities, concrete slabs and building foundations.  The last phase of the project will involve remediation of contaminated soil, final grading and grass seeding.

I have attended several meetings at the Shelby Twp. Municipal building that have been held about this project to make sure that potential issues with noise, air and water contamination have been adequately addressed. Everything I have learned has been documented on this web page which also includes some recent photographs.  Over the coming weeks, I will be adding weekly air quality testing results and photos to track the demolition progress, so you might want to bookmark that page for future reference.

You may have noticed recent contractor activity on the vacant parcel to the north of the Manors and Kensington.  That crew was drilling to collect data that will be used to map the underground soil and water conditions in conjunction with the upcoming remediation of the contaminated soil on the Visteon parcel by the Ford Motor Company.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Protect yourself from burglaries and larcenies

Because Sgt. Ken Cazabon was not able to make his presentation at our annual meeting on April 18th, I recently met with him to learn what he had been prepared to share with us.  What follows is a synopsis of our discussion and a summary of his burglary and larceny crime statistics for our community.

The data for the past year indicates that the only types of crimes committed within our Central Park community have been burglaries and larcenies.  Sgt. Cazabon offers the following advice we can follow to protect ourselves and our neighbors from these types of crime:
  • Always lock your vehicle, even if it is in your own driveway and you are only going inside for a minute
  • Do not leave valuables (including garage door openers) out in plain sight within your parked vehicle
  • Do not leave your garage door open unless you are inside your garage or in your front yard
  • Keep an eye out for suspicious individuals, particularly one or more persons who may be walking in the street alongside parked vehicles, surreptitiously checking door handles for unlocked vehicles
  • Call the Shelby Township Police Department if you observe any suspicious activity.  Don't worry if you are unsure whether it merits their attention, given our centralized location within the township, they can quickly respond and assess the situation for you. 
Here are the crimes reported within the Central Park community during the 12 months ending April 17, 2012:
      Burglary - (4) total incidents:
  • (1) incident of Burglary, Home Invasion (1st Degree)
  • (3) incidents of Burglary, Residential (no force)
      Larceny - (8) total incidents:
  • (6) incidents of Larceny from a Vehicle (includes B&E)
  • (1) incident of Larceny in a Building
  • (1) incident of Larceny, Other 

Here is a map showing the approximate locations of those reported burglaries and larcenies:

To put our situation in proper perspective, here is a map showing the approximate locations of the reported burglaries and larcenies throughout Shelby Township during the same 12 month period:

UPDATE:  On July 9, 2012, the Shelby Twp. Police Dept. began mapping its crime log data on the "Crimedar" web site.  Click here to view the interactive map showing the location, time and category of recent police reports.  The same data can also be viewed in a crime log format.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A big "Thank-You" to the Clean-Up Day volunteers

A big "Thank You" to the fourteen Central Park residents who volunteered their time and effort on Saturday, April 28th to pick up the trash from our Community Areas.

Click to enlarge this graphic that shows where those volunteers live:

Here is another graphic showing the relative amounts and originations of the 55 bags of trash (and one submerged 32 gallon plastic trash can) that they collected:


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Clean-up Day - Sat. April 28th

The Central Park Master Community Association is sponsoring a Spring Clean-up Day on Saturday morning, April 28, 2012.  We will be picking up trash that has accumulated on all of the Community Areas located throughout the Meadows, Gardens, Kensington and Manors subdivisions [map of Community Area locations].

We will meet at 9:00 AM at the south end of the retention pond located between the Gardens and Meadows subdivisions [meet at the green arrow on this map].

We will have several organizers (myself, Valerie Sipsock, Larry & Janet Gomulinski and Colleen Varga) stationed at that location who will pass out empty trash bags and assign pick-up areas to those who are willing to show up and volunteer to help clean up our community. 

What we need are plenty of those volunteers - so please join us and also help to spread the word! 

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes and bring gloves if you want to keep your hands clean.

I have purchased an assorted supply of trash bags that I will bring to the organizing location.  I'll also have several locations along the Central Park ring roads marked with green flags at the curb where volunteers will be asked to deposit their filled bags.  At my request, Kramer-Triad contacted Allied Waste who told them that if we will place our filled bags at selected locations along the ring road, they will collect them on Tuesday along with the regular pick-up.

If you have any questions, call me at 586-726-0317.

Mike Grobbel
President - Board of Directors, Central Park Master Community Association

Pond treatment and clean-up

The first treatment of the Central Park detention ponds will be on Tuesday, April 24, 2012.  The Board has contracted for a total of (8) treatments which will be performed at roughly (3) week intervals through the spring and summer.

LakePro is the contractor who will be performing the work and they will be treating for algae and weeds.  During the April 24th visit, they will also conduct a trash clean-up on all the ponds.

If the weather does not cooperate, this work may be delayed to the 25th.

The Board has also requested a work order through Kramer-Triad to have the geese deterrent stakes and strings installed/repaired around the ponds.  This work is scheduled for April 26, 2012.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Central Park Master Association Annual Meeting

The Central Park Master Association is holding the Annual Membership Meeting on Wednesday night, April 18, 2012 at the Shelby Twp. Municipal Building, beginning at 7:00 PM.

The purpose of this meeting will be to elect a representative from each of the Gardens and Meadows sub-associations to a new, two-year term on the Board of Directors.  The meeting notice letter you received incorrectly stated in the second paragraph that you could nominate a fellow co-owner for either the Manors or Kensington sub-associations. It should have read that members of the Gardens and Meadows sub-associations may nominate a fellow co-owner to run for a two-year term on the Board.  The enclosed nominating ballot correctly identifies the sub-associations which have the right to nominate their co-owners for this election.

At the annual meeting, members of all four sub-associations (Gardens, Meadows, Manors and Kensington) will be able to cast their vote to elect a representative from each of the Gardens and Meadows.  If you will be unable to attend the meeting, please fill out the General Proxy form you received with the mailing and either mail it in per the instructions or give it to a neighbor or Board member.  This will enable us to achieve a meeting quorum and also allow your designated proxy to vote on your behalf.

Please note that Sgt. Ken Cazabon of the Shelby Twp. Police Department will give a presentation on property crime prevention at the very beginning of the annual meeting.  He says that he will also present some crime statistics comparing the Central Park community with other areas of the Township.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mail box repairs - Gardens at Central Park

Central Park Residents -
If your mailbox needs repair, please contact "Mailboxes By Bob".
"Mailboxes By Bob" is able to handle all your mailbox repair needs.
Please note that the homeowner is responsible for all fees relating
to repairs on their mailboxes.

Contact "Mailboxes By Bob" at 248-496-4990

If you have any questions,  please contact
Compass Management Professionals at
734-582-9603 or via email at