Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dec 18th Lombardo meeting

At last evening's meeting, Greg Windingland of Lombardo Homes, Inc. gave a presentation using the information shown on the slides contained in this PDF file.

It is Lombardo's intent to proceed with getting the necessary approvals to develop the "Combined" subdivision layout proposal shown on Page 11 of the PDF.   The new subdivision would be called "Lancaster at Central Park" and it would have approximately 117 lots with nominal dimensions of 60 by 120 feet.  Lancaster would have its own homeowners association and would become the fifth sub-association belonging to the Central Park Master Association.

The "Combined" proposal has numerous advantages over the "Stand-alone" proposal shown on Page 10 of the PDF, however it requires an expansion of the previously defined bounds of the Central Park Planned Unit Development.  Therefore, Lombardo Homes must seek approvals from the boards of the five current associations in Central Park, Grand/Sakwa (the original developer of the Central Park Planned Unit Development) and the Shelby Township Planning Commission.

The discussion following his presentation focused on the following issues:

(A) Types of homes planned to be built - same or similar to those offered at their Lake Arrowhead subdivision near 22 Mile Rd. and Card Rd.; full basement, 2 car attached garage, full brick on all four sides of first level.

(B) Start of Construction - construction of units 1-4 and 16-25 could begin in the second quarter of 2014 since they are the same lots that were previously approved by the Township in 2011 for the original 53 unit Lancaster subdivision. That approval has since expired but Lombardo can get re-approved for these lots without having to wait for the remaining approvals.

(C) Impact on school enrollment and attendance boundaries - Utica Community Schools has an Enrollment Distribution Advisory Committee (EDAC) consisting of parent volunteers which, under the direction of the Director of Pupil Services, receives newly-approved subdivision plats from the Township and analyzes the future impact on enrollments in the elementary and secondary schools. If necessary to avoid overcrowding, the EDAC could recommend that the new subdivision be assigned to different schools than the adjacent subdivisions.  These recommendations would be presented to the School Board and if approved, they would go into effect before the first home is sold in the new subdivision.  In this situation, since the EDAC has already looked at the enrollment impact of the previously-approved 53 unit Lancaster subdivision, they would only be addressing the increase from 53 to about 117 homes.

(D)  New entrance on Van Dyke - will this be a Lancaster Association or CP Master Association commons area?; will it have streetlighting and a decorative wall(s) similar to the entrance at North Central Park?; will the wall contain any signage?; will construction traffic be limited to using this entrance?; can the eastern-most end of the roadway be boulevarded?  It was agreed that these issues will be discussed and worked out in Jan. 2014 between Lombardo and CP Master Association Board members.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Meeting Notice

Meeting Notice

Date: Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Shelby Twp. Municipal Building “Board Room”, 52700 Van Dyke
Subject: Lombardo Homes Inc. proposal for a new subdivision within Central Park

All Central Park residents are invited to come and hear Greg Windingland (VP – Lombardo Homes, Inc.), who will make a presentation and answer your questions about their plans to:
  • Add an approx. 13 acre parcel (“B” on the map below) to the Central Park Planned Unit Development. Parcel “B” is the location of the old baseball fields and is immediately east of parcel “A” (the previously approved “Lancaster” sub which is still an overgrown lot with underground utilities and piles of sand)
  • Develop parcels “B” and “A” as a single family residential subdivision, which would have its own, new homeowners association that would also become part of the Central Park Master Association. 

Mr. Windingland will show alternative street layouts for the proposed new subdivision, which will have an exit onto Van Dyke just north of the Shelbydale Medical building.  Lombardo Homes is providing this information as a “heads up” to our residents prior to finalizing their proposal and taking it to the Shelby Twp. Planning Commission for approval sometime in early 2014.  While the Township approval process will include a public hearing, the Dec. 18th meeting is your chance to join your association board members in learning about Lombardo’s proposal in an informal setting with the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback while their proposal is still in its early stages.

Central Park Master Association Board of Directors
Mike Oakie (Manors)
Harry Blanke (Kensington)
Brian Pesola (Gardens)
Mike Malone (Meadows)