Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"No Soliciting" ordinance

Recently there have been a number of salespeople going door-to-door within the Central Park community.   Direct Energy and Kirby Vacuum have been the most recent and they are quite aggressive.  While Direct Energy is a legitimate business, their sales tactics can be very deceptive.  Do not sign any kind of paperwork with Direct Energy unless you are fully aware that by doing so, you are agreeing to change your supplier of natural gas.

If you are tired of salespeople knocking on your front door, there is something you can do to reduce their numbers.

Shelby Township has a "No Knock" ordinance which allows you to put your address on a "No Soliciting" list that restricts most solicitors from knocking on your door.

According to the information provided on the Shelby Twp. Clerk's web site, there are three ways to put your name on the list:
  1. call the Clerk’s Office (586) 731-5102, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and leave your name, address and telephone number
  2. visit the Clerk's Office, which is located in the upper level of the Shelby Twp. Municipal Building on Van Dyke, just south of 24 Mile Road
  3. use this form and email the information to clerk@shelbytwp.org
If you choose the second option, you can also pick up a free sticker to place on your door as a reminder to solicitors that you prefer them not to knock.  If they knock anyway, you may call the Shelby Twp. Police Department at (586) 731-2121 to report the incident.  However, please note that the "No Knock" ordinance does not apply to the following types of solicitors:
  • out-of-state vendors
  • scout troops
  • religious groups
  • charitable organizations and political groups protected by the U.S. Constitution.
For more information, visit the  "No Soliciting" ordinance information web page.

The Central Park Master Association's Board of Directors does not authorize anyone to solicit residents of the Central Park planned unit development.  Some salespeople might try to make it sound like the Board knows they are soliciting here or even that they approve of them as a solicitor.   If they try that "line" on you, just ask them to show it to you in writing.  If a solicitor attempts to open your storm door and/or step inside without your approval, tell them to leave as you shut your door in their face and then call the Shelby Twp. Police Dept. at (586) 731-2121.