Central Park Master Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 25, 2013
- Meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM; a quorum of members was present: Mike Grobbel, Mike Malone and Brian Pesola. Ted McCoy was absent. Also in attendance was Ryan Dorner of Kramer-Triad.
- The Board approved the Minutes
of the Oct. 15, 2012 Board Meeting as presented.
- Old Business
- Damaged streetlight replacement at Heyward and Kingsland: underground wires were also damaged and must be repaired after the frost is out of the ground; wire repairs and streetlight replacement will be made as soon as the weather warms up.
- Status of fountain installations in the three detention ponds: the Board approved and signed a contract providing for (a) the necessary electrical work to be performed by RB & Sons Electrical Contractor ($6,610) and (b) the purchase and installation of three Aquamaster brand, Master series ½ HP fountains with Lakewood spray nozzle by MCI Aquatic Management Co. ($9,300); expectation is that all work is to be completed before the start of Summer.
- Groundwater contamination
update by Mike Grobbel: “Step 1 Summary Report, Oct. 17, 2012” was
received on Jan. 15, 2013 from Dragun & Associates. This report
contains test results of groundwater samples taken from temporary
monitoring wells located just inside the eastern property line of the
former Visteon plant. These
monitoring locations were drilled at 13 different locations along the
property line extending from the northwest corner of the Manors at Central
Park north towards 23 Mile Rd. Testing of the groundwater from these 13
locations indicate only 3 locations where groundwater was found to be
contaminated by amounts of TCE in excess of the EPA drinking water
standard of 5 parts per billion.
These 3 locations are in an area that is between 850 and 1,100
feet south of the center line of 23 Mile Rd. and the water samples
were obtained at a depth of about 25 ft. below ground level. These TCE levels and the location where
the samples were obtained are just west of the area where similar TCE
levels were measured in April 2012 on the adjacent property that is owned
by Grand/Sakwa.