The pedestrian crosswalk striping work will take place during the coming
week of Oct. 1 (weather permitting). Please be prepared to make temporary detours while the striping paint dries. These marked crosswalks will be
located at both entrances to Central Park and at various points along
the Central Park ring road. This work is the final phase of the asphalt
seal-coating project that began in July.
Residents are reminded that, by law:
a) vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and bicyclists lawfully within an intersection or crosswalk
b) pedestrians may not walk in the roadway if there are sidewalks present.
If there are no sidewalks, they must walk on the left side, facing
Furthermore, the speed limit is
25 MPH on all roadways within the Central Park planned unit development . If you are driving faster than that, you may
not be able to stop in time if you come to a crosswalk with a pedestrian
already in it. We have already had one child hit by a car this year
while within a crosswalk and we do not need to have a repeat.
Even though these are all
private roads within the Central Park planned unit development, the
Board of Directors has the ability to ask the Shelby Township Police
Department to enforce our speed limits and traffic control devices.
Given the almost blatant disregard some of our residents display for the
25 MPH speed limit and our STOP signs, expect to see a lot of flashing
blue and red lights around here in the very near future - just don't let
them be seen flashing in your rear view mirror!