Sunday, September 30, 2012

Crosswalk Striping

The pedestrian crosswalk striping work will take place during the coming week of Oct. 1 (weather permitting).  Please be prepared to make temporary detours while the striping paint dries. These marked crosswalks will be located at both entrances to Central Park and at various points along the Central Park ring road. This work is the final phase of the asphalt seal-coating project that began in July.

Residents are reminded that, by law:
a) vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and bicyclists lawfully within an intersection or crosswalk
b) pedestrians may not walk in the roadway if there are sidewalks present. If there are no sidewalks, they must walk on the left side, facing traffic. 

Furthermore, the speed limit is 25 MPH on all roadways within the Central Park planned unit development . If you are driving faster than that, you may not be able to stop in time if you come to a crosswalk with a pedestrian already in it.  We have already had one child hit by a car this year while within a crosswalk and we do not need to have a repeat.

Even though these are all private roads within the Central Park planned unit development, the Board of Directors has the ability to ask the Shelby Township Police Department to enforce our speed limits and traffic control devices.  Given the almost blatant disregard some of our residents display for the 25 MPH speed limit and our STOP signs, expect to see a lot of flashing blue and red lights around here in the very near future - just don't let them be seen flashing in your rear view mirror!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept. 12, 2012 CPMA BoD Minutes

Central Park Master Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Sept. 10, 2012


  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM; Quorum established; present: Mike Grobbel, Mike Malone, Brian Pesola; excused: Ted McCoy; Ryan Dorner, Kramer-Triad was also in attendance.

  1. The Board approved the Minutes of the
    1. Sept. 12, 2011 Board Meeting
    2. Oct. 24, 2011  Board meeting
  1. Old Business

    1. Streetlight maintenance update - Ryan Dorner indicated that maintenance workers had completed work on the inoperative streetlights and that they were all operative again.  One entire circuit of streetlights was found to be inoperative because someone had sprayed insecticide into the circuit breaker enclosure to kill wasps and the wet insecticide had short-circuited and “fried” the circuit breaker, which had to be replaced. Four other streetlights were found to have had the bulbs removed from them. The Board has reason to believe that these streetlights are being deliberately sabotaged by one or more Central Park residents and this issue will be mentioned in the forthcoming newsletter.  Ryan Dorner will provide the Board with an estimated cost for repairing a typical streetlight outage so we can include it in the newsletter.
    2. newsletter communications to homeowners – Brian P. has begun drafting a newsletter and will send it out to the other Board members within the next few days; the Board discussed additional items to be included in the draft newsletter and also decided that the first newsletter will be mailed to all residents with a notice in it that future newsletters will be posted on the Central Park blog at to save an estimated $400 per mailing
    3. Owens Tree Service quote - Mike G. updated the Board regarding the tree trimming work to be performed by Owens per the recent quote we received;  Ryan Dorner will contact Jim F. at Owens to get an estimated completion date
    4. MCI quote for fountains in the detention ponds
                                                               i.      fountain(s) purchase costs – have received unit costs from MCI
                                                             ii.      electrical installation costs – Ryan Dorner will contact Chuck Swan at MCI to see if they have completed the estimate for providing electrical service to ponds number 2 (central), 3 (south) and 6 (north)
                                                            iii.      costs to winterize and re-install in the spring - Ryan Dorner will contact Chuck Swan at MCI to obtain an approximate annual cost for this recurring service
                                                            iv.      cost estimates are needed in time for the next Board Meeting so that they can be factored into the 2013 Budget discussion
    1. Asphalt seal coating and crosswalk striping – Board members report favorable feedback from residents, despite the weather delays;  pedestrian crosswalk striping is tentatively scheduled for this coming Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012 (weather permitting);  Brandon A. at Midwest Paving is still investigating the appearance issue noted on the Day 6 seal coat work.
    2. Spring Clean-up event held on April 28th feedback discussion; 55 bags of trash were collected by 14 volunteers; in 2013  the Board will need to promote this event better and contact Rizzo to have a 30 yard roll-off  container dropped off in advance.
  1. New Business

    1. Groundwater contamination update - Mike G. provided an update to the Board; preliminary results of all irrigation well water testing within Central Park indicates no traces of VOCs such as TCE and TCA
    2. 2013 Annual Budget process timing; Brian P. will have a first draft of the proposed 2013 Budget available for discussion at the next Board Meeting
    3. Installation of new traffic signage
                                                               i.      add two more "STOP" signs at the intersection of NCP and ECP to make it a 3-way stop intersection – the Board approved the installation of two more “STOP” signs at this intersection;  Ryan Dorner to initiate the work order.
                                                             ii.      Add "Pedestrian Crossing Ahead" signs either side of crosswalk near WCP and St. Nicholas – the Board decided against installing warning signs based on the fact that if we did it here, by extension we would have to do it at all other crosswalks; the Board feels that the recent sidewalk alignment improvements and upcoming pedestrian crosswalk striping will have brought all pedestrian crosswalks to the same level of safety and visibility
    1. Snow and Lawn contracts – the Board voted to award the following contracts to True North:
                                                               i.      A three-year Snow Removal contract for an annual amount not to exceed $14,500; expires April 2015
                                                             ii.      A three-year Lawn Maintenance contract for an annual amount not to exceed $19,365; expires November 2015

  1. The next Board Meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 15, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Mike Grobbel’s condominium.
  2. The Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

Approved Minutes of all previous CPMA Board of Director meetings can be found on this web page.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Construction equipment south of Genisys Credit Union

You may have noticed the construction equipment that has recently been moved onto the vacant parcel on Van Dyke south of the Genisys Credit Union.  I have learned that this vacant parcel is being used as a staging site for the equipment and materials that will be used to construct the new sanitary sewer that will be installed along the west side of Van Dyke from 22 Mile Road south to a point about 1,000 feet past 21 Mile Road (approximately here).  The sewer project is expected to take six months to complete.  More information about the sewer project can be found in this article from the July 28, 2012 edition of the Source & Advisor.