Everyone should have received a mailing today from the Central Park Master Community Association Board of Directors (via Kramer-Triad, our property management company). Enclosed were rules and regulations covering parking and other uses on the Community Areas within Central Park along with a map showing the location of our twelve Community Areas. These rules were adopted by the Board of Directors at their meeting of Oct. 24, 2011 and will become effective on Nov. 21, 2011.
The enclosures can also be viewed on-line by clicking these links:
These rules regulate parking along North Central Park, South Central Park, East Central Park and West Central Park, which are located within Community Areas # 1 and #5 as shown on the map. Notification signs regarding the towing of unauthorized vehicles are on order and should be in place at both the Van Dyke and 22 Mile entrances within the next two weeks.
UPDATE: Enforcement of these rules and regulations began on Dec. 2, 2011, 24 hours after these signs were installed.
If your vehicle is towed because it was in violation of the parking rules and regulations, call Nightingale Towing at 586-731-9400.
Please note that when Shelby Township declares a "Snow Emergency", these regulations give the Master Association the right to have any vehicles towed away at the owner's expense if they are left parked on North, South, East and West Central Park. These streets are used on a daily basis by everyone living within the Central Park community and they are also UCS school bus routes. Therefore, the Board intends to enforce this rule when needed to quickly reopen these streets to full traffic and also facilitate on-street parking once the "Snow Emergency" expires.