Friday, May 11, 2012

Visteon demolition update thru May 10. 2012

Click here for photos showing the demolition progress through July 12, 2012, along with the most recent air monitoring report.

Columbia Technologies continues to perform underground soil mapping for the Ford Motor Company on the vacant parcel to the north of the Manors and Kensington condos.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Demolition started on former Visteon Plant

East side of Building #16, May 3, 2012.

Demolition of the former Ford/Visteon/ACH automotive trim plant located just to the west of Central Park began on Saturday, April 28, 2012.  Building #16 is the first structure on the property to fall to the demolition crew.  Their work hours are from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM, Monday through Saturday.  Building demolition should be completed by around September 1st after which work will continue on the removal of underground utilities, concrete slabs and building foundations.  The last phase of the project will involve remediation of contaminated soil, final grading and grass seeding.

I have attended several meetings at the Shelby Twp. Municipal building that have been held about this project to make sure that potential issues with noise, air and water contamination have been adequately addressed. Everything I have learned has been documented on this web page which also includes some recent photographs.  Over the coming weeks, I will be adding weekly air quality testing results and photos to track the demolition progress, so you might want to bookmark that page for future reference.

You may have noticed recent contractor activity on the vacant parcel to the north of the Manors and Kensington.  That crew was drilling to collect data that will be used to map the underground soil and water conditions in conjunction with the upcoming remediation of the contaminated soil on the Visteon parcel by the Ford Motor Company.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Protect yourself from burglaries and larcenies

Because Sgt. Ken Cazabon was not able to make his presentation at our annual meeting on April 18th, I recently met with him to learn what he had been prepared to share with us.  What follows is a synopsis of our discussion and a summary of his burglary and larceny crime statistics for our community.

The data for the past year indicates that the only types of crimes committed within our Central Park community have been burglaries and larcenies.  Sgt. Cazabon offers the following advice we can follow to protect ourselves and our neighbors from these types of crime:
  • Always lock your vehicle, even if it is in your own driveway and you are only going inside for a minute
  • Do not leave valuables (including garage door openers) out in plain sight within your parked vehicle
  • Do not leave your garage door open unless you are inside your garage or in your front yard
  • Keep an eye out for suspicious individuals, particularly one or more persons who may be walking in the street alongside parked vehicles, surreptitiously checking door handles for unlocked vehicles
  • Call the Shelby Township Police Department if you observe any suspicious activity.  Don't worry if you are unsure whether it merits their attention, given our centralized location within the township, they can quickly respond and assess the situation for you. 
Here are the crimes reported within the Central Park community during the 12 months ending April 17, 2012:
      Burglary - (4) total incidents:
  • (1) incident of Burglary, Home Invasion (1st Degree)
  • (3) incidents of Burglary, Residential (no force)
      Larceny - (8) total incidents:
  • (6) incidents of Larceny from a Vehicle (includes B&E)
  • (1) incident of Larceny in a Building
  • (1) incident of Larceny, Other 

Here is a map showing the approximate locations of those reported burglaries and larcenies:

To put our situation in proper perspective, here is a map showing the approximate locations of the reported burglaries and larcenies throughout Shelby Township during the same 12 month period:

UPDATE:  On July 9, 2012, the Shelby Twp. Police Dept. began mapping its crime log data on the "Crimedar" web site.  Click here to view the interactive map showing the location, time and category of recent police reports.  The same data can also be viewed in a crime log format.